WoundClub Online

  • A collection of quick + convenient educational videos.
  • Online + On Demand.
  • On the topics relevant to daily wound care practice.

Learning Objectives

  • Name the different layers of the skin
  • Recognise how the different layers interact with each other
  • Recall the functions of the skin
  • Recognise the effects of ageing on the skin

WoundClub Online

  • A collection of quick + convenient educational videos.
  • Online + On Demand.
  • On the topics relevant to daily wound care practice.

Physiology of Wound Healing

Phase 1 – Wound Healing 

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the four phases of wound healing – haemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and epithelialisation
  • Be aware of the different types of wound healing
  • Understand why wounds get stuck in the inflammatory phase and how this affects wound healing
  • Understand the importance of angiogenesis and how this is important for healthy wounds

WoundClub Online

  • A collection of quick + convenient educational videos.
  • Online + On Demand.
  • On the topics relevant to daily wound care practice.

Abnormal Wound Healing

Phase 1 – Wound Healing 

Learning Objectives

  • Recall the process of normal healing and when and why wounds fail to heal
  • Recognise what makes a wound non-healing
  • Recall the role of Matrix Metallopeptidases (MMPs) in relation to abnormal wound healing
  • Recognise the role of assessment in optimising wound care

WoundClub Online

  • A collection of quick + convenient educational videos.
  • Online + On Demand.
  • On the topics relevant to daily wound care practice.

Hard-to-Heal Wounds

Wound Classifications + Skin Care

Learning Objectives

  • Understand what defines a wound as hard to heal.
  • What factors influence a wound to become hard to heal.
  • What physiological changes occurs in wound healing.

Introduction to blood and clotting

This process of wound repair involves a variety of repair mechanisms in the individual layers of the skin and a multiplicity of cells.

To help us understand these processes, let us take a brief look at the components and functions of the blood.

This online module is part of the Essentials of Wound Care series 

This online module is Accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons of England