Surgical site infections: What is the scale of the problem in vascular surgery?

Recognition of which patients are at risk of surgical site complications, and to what extent, is essential in mitigating that risk and guide appropriate use of interventions.

You should be able to realistically know your own SSI or SSC rate.

Here we describe the data from the best epidemiological studies to detail the prevalence in general and in this surgical indication.

Establishing a Case for Change

The prophylactic use of PICO sNPWT has been extensively studied. 

Use of PICO sNPWT was less costly and resulted in improved health outcomes compared with standard care for combined surgical specialties when analysed from both a US and UK healthcare service perspective.

Learning Objectives

  • Be familiar with the basics of health economics.
  • Understand costs and outcomes measures and those specific for wound care.
  • How to establish a case for changing to incisional NPWT prophylaxis using PICO sNPWT with benchmark auditing of SSC outcomes and business case development.