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Topic outline

  • Learn more about ulcers here:

    Venous leg ulcers (VLUs)

    Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs)

    These are no ordinary wounds. They’re tricky to identify, hard to comprehend how they form, and they can take forever to heal.

    • What you will learn:

      In our Smith+Nephew Ulcer Bundle, we’ll break down these hard-to-heal wounds.

       You’ll see...

      1.  Key markers for differentiating these similar-looking ulcers

      2. The mysterious factors that lead to their formation

      3. The do’s and don’ts for treating each one

      4. And, how to prevent a majority of them from occurring in the first place

      • A cocktail of comorbidities

        Patients don’t just wake up one day with an ulcer. A variety of comorbidities and events lead to their formation. You’ll learn about each one, so you can stop them in their tracks.

        Explore vascular issues like CVI and PAD, and see how they leave tissue weak and fragile. See how mechanical forces like pressure, friction, and shear destroy tissue integrity. And learn how neuropathy not only robs a patient of sensation in their lower extremities, but can even change their anatomical shape, leaving them at risk for ulcers.