The normal knee versus conventional designs: What about function and patient satisfaction

Accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons of England*

The fact that many patients are unable to return to prior levels of function is likely attributable to differences in kinematics between the normal knee and a conventional TKA.7  Up to 50% report some degree of limitation to their functional activities.8
After total knee arthroplasty (TKA), patients may report their knee feeling ‘artificial’ with functional limitations.10  The abnormal kinematics associated with conventional TKA may be contributing to these poor outcomes. 11
This eLearning module will provide more insight from design concept to reality and what new evidence shows when normal knee is compared to conventional TKA or new design concept to reach normal outcomes.
Experts discusses the limitations of traditional total knee arthroplasty and conventional designs and the importance of matching anatomical contours to meet kinematics patterns and growing expectations of patient. 


  • Professor Jan Victor, Belgium
  • Dr Steven Haas, United States of America
  • Dr David Mayman, United States of America