Global Tribology Summit 2021 - On demand module 2: Influence of bearing choices on clinical performance and health economics

Accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons of England*

Welcome to the "Global Tribology Summit 2021 - On demand module 2: Influence of bearing choices on clinical performance and health economics" where expert speakers from across the globe will deliver knowledge and expertise on cutting edge topics on proven and innovative bearing materials for joint arthroplasty. 

This series includes 2 ON DEMAND sessions at the control of your fingertips and will conclude with a LIVE Q&A with panel of experts. This is a great opportunity to learn from and engage with leaders in hip and knee arthroplasty. 


  • Dr Jack Bowling, United States of America
  • Professor Edward Davis, United Kingdom
  • Dr Stephen Duncan, United States of America
  • Dr Ran Schwarzkopf, United States of America