The use of NPWT in the treatment of open pilonidal sinus wounds

The use of NPWT in the treatment of open pilonidal sinus wounds

Pilonidal Sinus is a benign disease normally in the sacrococcygeal region (affecting the sacrum and coccyx) presumed to be the result of an ingrowing hair and often affecting young healthy men.

Surgical intervention for this disease may require wound healing by secondary intention and so there are long healing times (greater than 2 months) with frequent contamination due to the wound location, high levels of exudate and frequent dressing changes and prolonged absence from work.

The results of a large retrospective case cohort in a specialist wound unit using a NPWT pathway is presented.

 Learning Objectives

  • Learn what is pilonidal sinus is and the impact on patients
  • Describe a NPWT pathway for treatment of wounds after excision surgery

 The data shows:

  • Shorter healing time with NPWT than with advanced dressings alone;  
  • Exudate management allowed patients return to work / social / educational activities;
  • Use of NPWT was cost saving